Our inaugural event is scheduled for:


Date:          Saturday, September 17, 2016

Time:          1:00pm - 4:00pm

Place:         The OfficeDo in Kitano Kobe

                    (see map below)

Theme:       The Great Teas of Great Britain

Fee:             ¥5,000 per person at the door


Includes welcome drinks, selection of teas, scones, assorted cakes, pastries and finger sandwiches.


Professor Richard J. Kelly

Kindai University - Faculty of Literature, Art and Cultural Studies


Richard J. Kelly joined the Faculty of Literature, Arts and Cultural Studies from Kobe University. He is the author of several books and academic publications, and is a recognized authority on the linguistic and cultural development of the English Language. He also has a keen interest in issues of social justice and how they have been dealt with and articulated down through the ages to the present time. He is the co-author of You're History! How people Make the Difference (London and New York, 2005)


The year 2017 will mark the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Ireland. A series of events is being planned to commemorate this milestone, as well as to deepen the existing positive relationship between the two countries. Professor Kelly is among the dignitaries, scholars and experts in Humanities, Social Studies and Diplomacy who will highlight the similarities and differences between our two island nations. We have asked Professor Kelly to join us to share these views as well as his thoughts on Brexit.

リチャード・J・ケリー教授  近畿大学 文学学部 文学科英語英米文学専攻

 R. J. ケリー教授は、神戸大学から近畿大学の文学部文学科、英語英米文学専攻の教授として着任しました。教授はいくつかの本や、学術書の著者で、英語の言語学的、文化的な発展についての権威者です。


そして、あなたは歴史だ!人々はどのように違いを作るか の共同著者です。(ロンドンとニューヨーク 2005)

学位: 文学博士 専門: 古期 英語英文科英文学

 2017年は、日本とアイルランド間の外交関係が設立された60周年となります。 一連のイベントが計画されており、このマイルストーンを祝って、二か国の既存のポジティブな関係を更に深める予定になっています。




We have successfully celebrated the launch of Kobe Chats on September 17, 2016.

Afternoon Tea was invented by Queen Victoria’s Lady-in-Waiting so that the queen could conduct official discussions and business while enjoying a light snack between lunch and supper (which was taken rather late in the evening). So, today we really were re-living the original context of Afternoon Tea !

Our first guest speaker, Professor Richard Kelley shared a vitalizing talk that engaged our audience.  We remain grateful for his participation and support.

For those of you who attended, Thank you so very much. For those who may have missed it, we hope to see you at our next event in October.

"The Pros and Cons of Brexit for the UK" presented by a guest speaker Prof. Richard Kelly

Inaugral talk – Kobe Chats 

Saturday, 17 september 2016

Title of talk: ‘Implications of Brexit for the UK & the EU’



·    Increasing immigration into the UK from the European Union (EU) and internationally.

·    Increasing bureaucracy from the central EU Administration in Brussels and Strasburg, especially in the regulation   of labor, good and services.

·    Disproportionate Monetary contributions from the UK to the central EU budget.

·    Concerns over the political sovereignty and autonomy of the UK.

·    Treats from radical extremist groups such as ISIS.

     Origins of the European Union 

·    Background: Europe devastated by War in 1945, fears of German rearmament and militarism.

·    Spread peace in Europe.

·    Integrate elements of the European economy.

·    Free movement of capital goods and services between member states
 effective single market (convergence).

·    Politico-institutional framework required to achieve these ends.

·    Economic integration accompanied by a social dimension.

     Historical Timeline of the European Union

·    1951    Treaty of Paris  European Coal and Steel Community (Belgium, German, France, Italy, Luxemburg and Netherlands).

·    1957    Treaty of Rome  European Economic Community (The Original Six Countries).

·    1968    Common Market established.

·    1973    Denmark, Ireland & UK joined.

·    1981    Greece joined.

·    1986    Portugal & Spain joined.

·    1987    Single European Act  Single European Market [including Qualified Majority Voting and social dialogue].

·    1991    Treaty on European Union (Maastricht Treaty)  Eurozone [including further Qualified Majority Voting and               social dialogue].

·    1991    Austria, Finland & Sweden joined.

·    1997    Treaty of Amsterdam.

·    2001    Treaty of Nice (which was finally ratified in 2003).

·    2001    Cyprus, Malta; Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia & Slovenia joined              representing the largest number of countries joining in a single year.

·    2007    Bulgaria and Romania joined.

·    2009    Treaty of Lisbon: consolidated the legal parameters of the European Union, revised the remit of the                 European Parliament and established the Office of the President of the European Council.

·    2013    Croatia joined.

Implications of for the UK of leaving the European Union 

·    Article 50 of the EU Constitution has not yet been triggered by the UK so the UK is still for now part of the EU. The

     triggering of Article 50 has just been announced by the British Prime Minister Theresa May: March 2017 – the UK and EU will then have a two-year slot to negotiate a deal that will be acceptable to both sides.

·       The essential principles of the EU are freedom of trade and freedom of movement of individuals within member EU states.

·    While the UK will welcome freedom of trade; it will be less compromising on the freedom of movement of individuals – the principal reason why BREXIT was successful…

·    The other complex area is the numerous rules and regulations that the EU applies to goods, services and labor. The UK will favor having its own control over this once it leaves the EU. One of the negative implications of this is that the rights of workers may be less protected than before. We are currently seeing the emergence of ZERO-CONTRACT hours being adopted by some companies in the UK  which basically implies that workers have little or no security of employment.

·    In my opinion, one of the points that is most critical for the UK is that quality and talented individuals from other countries will not be as attracted to come and contribute to UK society because of the insecurity that something like a system of fixed-term work permits would imply (should the UK decide to introduce such a system). It will be crucial to find the best solution to this important issue in such fields as education, finance and medicine. Otherwise essential international talent will be lost to the UK.

·      Switzerland and Norway are not members of the EU but they have special negotiated relations with the EU. The UK may look at these relationships and adopt a similar type of relationship with the 26 remaining EU member states.


·    The most serious consequence of BREXIT is that, for a few, it has given a sort of skewed legitimacy to racist behavior in public in the forms of verbal abuse (harassment) and physical abuse (assault) – even resulting in the deaths of non-UK nationals. This must never be tolerated or condoned in any shape, size or form.  


2016年9月17日(土曜日)KOBE CHATS発足記念アフタヌーン・ティーイベントは会場いっぱいの参加者で盛会裏にスタートを切ることができました。 アフタヌーン・ティーは英国ビクトリア女王の待女が発案し、女王が昼食と夕食の間に公務のディスカッションや執務をする間のお茶とスイーツ・軽食を取る習慣が出来上がり、通常は日本でいう”おさんじ”で遅い午後にいただきます。 本日は真のアフタヌーン・ティー再現を楽しんでいただきました。 ゲストスピーカーであるケリー教授は近大での改革に取り組み、現在は学生が最も希望する大学に変貌させた中心人物です。また英国のEU離脱に関連する興味ある話に熱弁を振るい、多くの質問にも答えていただく活発な講義となりました。 KOBE CHATSの活動に賛同いただき、我々への援助を惜しまないとの激励もいただきました。本日はお忙しい中大勢の参加を有難うございました。 また今回都合が悪く参加できなかった方々、10月・11月のイベントに是非参加いただけるよう、KOBE CHATS一同お待ちしております。

   INAUGRAL講演  神戸チャッツ 近大 リチャード・J・ケリー教授




年パリ条約欧州石炭鉄鋼共同体(ベルギー、ドイツ、フランス、イタリア、ル  クセンブルクとオランダ)。 


      •1973年 デンマーク、アイルランドと英国が参加。  

      • 1981年ギリシャが参加。 

      • 1986年ポルトガルとスペインが参加。

      • 1987年単一欧州議定書→Single European Market[多数決投票と社会的な対   話を含む]。

      • 1991年欧州連合(マーストリヒト条約)→Eurozone[更なるQualified Majority Vo  tingと社会的な対話を含む]の上の条約。 

      • 1991年オーストリア、フィンランドとスウェーデンが参加。

      • 1997年アムステルダム条約。

      • 2001年ニース条約(2003年にようやく批准された)。

      • 2001年キプロス、マルタ;チェコ共和国、エストニア、ハンガリー、ラトビア,リトアニア、ポーランド、ソロバキアとスロベニア、一年で最も大  きな数が加わりました。

       • 2007ブルガリアとルーマニアが参加。

      • 2009年リスボン条約:

       法律パラメータが強化され、欧州連合は欧州議会の任務を修正して、欧州理事会   議長のオフィスを設置しました。

      • 2013年 クロアチアが参加。


      • EU



         そ れは、個人の動きの自由について、より妥協していません  BREXITが成功していた主要な理由…




         労働者には雇用のほとんど保障がないことを基本的に意味する英国で数社採用されているZERO-CONTRACT時間、を我々は確認して          います。

         私の考えでは、英国のために最も重要である点の1つは、国に貢献しに来る外国人に魅力のある外国人用労働許可のシステムを作るこ            とです、英国社会へのその上質で優秀な個人の為に(英国が、そのようなシステムを導入することを決めなければなりません)。





         BREXITの最も深刻な結果は、23のために、それが暴言(いやがらせ)と身体的な虐待(攻撃)の形で人前で人種差別的なふるまいに一          種のゆがめられた合法性を与えたということです  非英国国民の死亡につながります。
