KOBE CHATS organizes a world-class music events titled KOBE BRILLIANT SOUNDS FESTIVAL during May’s Golden
Week Holiday and June 2nd.
Further information will be available soon. In the meantime, you are cordially invited to attend the kickoff party for these music events:
Date: Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Place: Mosrite Café (Kobe Shinbunsha Karumeni B1)
1-5-7 Higashi Kawasaki – Cho, Chuo-ku Kobe Tel:078-382-3838
Time: 18:30 – 21:00
Admission: Complimentary – Must send your name and phone number to kobechats@gmail.com for registration.
Foods and Drinks will be available for purchase
As always, your participation would be so very much appreciated.
February 15th 2017
We thank you so much for your participation to the Kickoff Party of KOBE BRILLIANT SOUNDS FESTIVAL 2017 held on Wednesday,
February 15th at the MOSRITE CAFE KOBE.
Over a hundred guests joined the party to celebrate a world-class music events titled "KOBE BRILLIANT SOUNDS FESTIVAL 2017", which
is scheduled during May's Golden Week Holidays and June 2nd.
The Kickoff Party video is uploaded to view the night for those who were unable to join.
2月15日水曜日、神戸モズライト・カフェで5月の連休と6月2日にKOBE CHATSが開催予定している、音楽と食の祭典 KOBE BRILLIANT SOUNDS FESTIVAL 2017の発表会が行われ、100人以上の参加者で熱気のある催しとなりました。 会場の様子は下のビデオでご覧ください。